Welcome To The Real Estate Virtual Academy

This is not a typical online course that requires a student to be self-taught.

Our virtual real estate courses are approved by the Real Estate Commissions for Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina respectively. 

Students can access their course from a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, then watch and listen to listen REAL instructor.  Your instructor is there anytime and from anywhere you are available to learn.  On your sofa or on the beach... on your lunch break or while on vacation... 2 pm or 2 am... doesn't matter, just log in and your instructor is there ready to teach you. Get distracted or not clear on a topic, replay the instructor as many times needed to understand. If you still not clear, simply message your instructor for help.

This is the most convenient and effective way to earn a real estate license.

How our course is presented.

Our courses are “Virtual”.  This means you have an instructor-led course any time and from anywhere you want.  Whether you are at home on the sofa or sitting on the beach… on your lunch break or driving home from work… 1 am or 1pm… it does not matter.  From a smartphone, laptop, iPad or desktop, your real estate instructor is there to teach you real estate.  Don’t understand a topic or get distracted, replay your instructor as many times as needed to understand.  Have a question about a topic, message your instructor. 

What comes with the course?

  • The state approved, full virtual course platform with a real instructor to teach you real estate.
  • eBook.
  • Digital flashcards.
  • UNLIMITED PRACTICE EXAMS to prepare for the end of course exam and the state exam.


How to get started

.• Go to our website RealEstateVirtualAcademy.com
• Click on the Enroll Now button
• This takes you to the catalog where you click the course
you need to take. IF you are NOT licensed, you will need
to take the pre-license course for the state you are
wanting to be licensed in.
• Click Get this course.
• If you have not signed up, click the sign-up button which
will take you to the signup page.
• Once signed up, the checkout page is where to enter your
payment. We offer a variety of discounts, so contact us at
info@realestatevirtualacademy.com for updated
promotion codes.
• You are enrolled and ready to begin class.